David & Elaine Tate – Ruby Wedding Celebration

Roger EleyNews

IMG_5661Congratulations to David and Elaine Tate who celebrated their Ruby Wedding this week.

David and Elaine were joined by members of their family at mass and Father Kelly gave the couple a special blessing.

Afterwards there was a celebration with family and friends at Gateshead Rugby Club.

Congratulations from everyone at St Anne’s and here’s wishing for many more years together.

Christenings of Amelia Leigh Roe and Logan John George Robinson.

Roger EleyNews


After mass on 17th April 2016 Amelia Leigh Roe and Logan John George Robinson were baptised. We are delighted to welcome them both into our parish.

We at St Anne’s will remember them both in our prayers and hope that their parents and extended families had a wonderful day.

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First Holy Communion Preparation – 17/04/2016

Roger EleyNews


Liturgy 7 in preparation for First Holy Communion “In Memory of Me” was completed during mass on Sunday. The children and their parents were invited to come forward after the gospel of The Good Shepherd.

Father Kelly asked the catechists if they considered the children to be ready to receive First Holy Communion and then asked the children if they were ready to become members of the body of Christ and a sheep of his flock through Holy Communion.

The children were all given a small crucifix encased in a sheep to mark the occasion.

Many thanks to the kind person who made the sheep.

The Children’s First Holy Communion will be celebrated on 8th May 2016.

Joshua Elliott’s World Challenge

Roger EleyNews

In aid of Joshua Elliott’s World Challenge to India in 2017 a Raffle and Tombola will be held at the Sunday morning mass on 24th April 2016. You support will be greatly appreciated.

Christening of Kai Joseph Mullholland

Roger EleyNews

We are delighted to welcome into our parish Kai Joseph Mulholland who was baptised after mass on Sunday 10th April 2016.

We hope his parents and family had a very special celebration.

Gordon and Gina Ainsley’s Diamond Wedding Celebration

Roger EleyNews

Gordon & GinaCongratulations to Gordon and Gina Ainsley who celebrated their Diamond Wedding Anniversary this week.

They attended mass on 1oth April with their children, grandchildren, great grandchildren and extended family. Fr Brendan gave the couple a blessing during the mass which was followed by a celebration in the church hall attended by many members of the parish.

Gordon and Gina are “founder members” of the parish. They are both members of the choir and Gordon is a member of the SVP.

It was great to see Gordon at mass as he is still recovering from an accident some months ago.

Best wishes from everyone at St Anne’s and here’s hoping for many more years together.