Christening of Daisy May Redshaw

Roger EleyNews

After mass on Sunday 12th June Daisy May Redshaw was baptised.

We welcome her into our parish and will remember her in our prayers.

We hope her parents Sean and Nicola along with their families and friends had a wonderful celebration.

St Anne’s 40 year Celebrations

Roger EleyNews

On Sunday May 15th Pentecost marked the 40th Anniversary of the opening of St Anne’s church.

Fr Brendan treated the parishioners to a celebration cake which was enjoyed with a tea and coffee in the Hall after mass.

Further celebrations will be held after mass on June 26th.

If anyone has any photographs of the early years of St Anne’s we would love to display them at this celebration.

200 Club May 2016

Roger EleyNews

Congratulations to the winners of the 200 Club in May

Week No 17 May 1st – No 127 Kath Hagan

Week No 18 May 8th – No 34 Leon Consterdine

Week No 19 May 15th – No 95 Terry O’Brien

Week No 20 May 22nd – No 77 Michael Donnely & No 116 Elsie Morris (Michael Clarke)

Week No 21 May 29th – No 93 Kath Tate

Numbers are still available for the 200 Club draw please see John Limer at Sunday morning mass.

John and Leon Consterdine’s Diamond Wedding Anniversary

Roger EleyNews


Congratulations to John and Leon Consterdine who celebrated their Diamond Wedding Anniversary this week.

The couple attended mass on 22nd May with their children, grand children, great grandchildren and members of their extended family and friends.

Father Brendan gave a special blessing during mass and presented a papal blessing to the couple at a celebration after mass in the Church Hall which was attended by many members of the parish.

John and Leon are founder members of the parish, Leon being a member of the choir and John is in the SVP.

John read a beautiful poem which celebrated their 60 years together.

Best wishes from everyone at St Anne’s and here’s hoping for many more years together



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Christenings of Jack William Johnson and Alexandra Clark

Roger EleyNews

After mass on Sunday 15th May Jack William Johnson and Alexandra Clark were baptised.

We welcome them both into our parish and will remember them in our prayers.

We hope Jack’s parents Carl and Odette and Alexandra’s parents Terry and Claire, along with their families and friends had a wonderful celebration.

Annual Accounts 2015-2016

Roger EleyNews

The annual accounts for the financial year April 2015 to March 2016 have been issued.

A summary of these accounts are available for you to download here