Gospel Readings for June

Roger EleyReadings

The Gospel Readings and reflections on them can be found by following the link www.wednesdayword.org

Sunday 30th June – Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Reading – Peter’s Narrow Escape – Acts 12:1-11

Second Reading – Paul in the Evening of his Life – 2 Timothy 4:6-8;17-18

Gospel Reading – Peter the Rock – Matthew 16:13-19

Sunday 23rd June – The Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Reading – God Responds to Job’s Agony – Job 38: 1;8-11

Second Reading – The New Creation – 2 Corinthians 5:14-17

Gospel Reading – Jesus Clams the Storm – Mark 4:35-41

Sunday 16th June – The Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Reading – The Noble Cedar – Ezekiel 17:22-24

Second Reading – At Home with the Lord – 2 Corinthians 5:6-10

Gospel Reading – The Seed Growing – Mark 4:26-34

Sunday 9th June – The Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Reading – The Aftermath of The Fall – Genesis 3:9-15;20

Second Reading – The Weight of Glory – 2 Corinthians 4:13-5:1

Gospel Reading – Jesus Rejected – Mark 3:20-35

Sunday 2nd June The Most Holy Body and Blood of the Lord

First Reading – God’s Covenant with his People – Exodus 24:3-8

Second Reading – The Blood of Christ – Hebrews 9:11-15

Gospel Reading – The New Partnership – Mark 14:12-16;22-26



New Website

Roger EleyNews

If you refer to the second page of this weeks Bulletin here  you will see that there are proposals for a new combined website for the family of churches St Anne’s. Corpus Christi and St Peter’s. Consequently there will be no further posts on this website.

Thanks to everyone who has visited this website over the years.

Gospel Readings for May

Roger EleyReadings

The Gospel Readings and reflection on them can be found by following the link www.wednesdayword.org.uk

Sunday 26th May – Feast of the Holy Trinity

First Reading – The God of Love – Deuteronomy 4:32-34;39-40

Second Reading – Son. Father & Spirit – Romans 8:14-17

Gospel Reading – Baptism into the Trinity – Matthew 28:16-20

Sunday 19th May – Pentecost Sunday

First Reading – The Birth of the Church – Acts 2:1-11

Second Reading – The Body of Christ – 1 Corinthians 12:3-7;12-13

Gospel Reading – The Gift of Peace – John 20:19-23

Sunday 12th May – Seventh Sunday in Easter

First Reading – The twelve Tribes of the new Israel – Act 1:15-17;20-26

Second Reading – God Lives and Loves in us – 1 John 4:11-16

Gospel Reading – Sharing Christ’s Joy to the Full – John 17:11-19

Sunday 5th May – Sixth Sunday in Easter

First Reading – The Conversion of Cornelius – Acts 10:25-26;34-35;44-48

Second Reading – Christian Love – 1 John 4:7-10

Gospel Reading – Loving Like God – John 15:9-17