Gospel Readings for October

Roger EleyReadings

The Gospel Readings for October are as follows

The readings and reflections on them can be found at www.wednesdayword.org

Sunday 29th October – Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Reading – Commandments about the Vulnerable and the Poor – Exodus 22:20-26

Second Reading – Servants of the Living God – 1 Thessalonians 1:5-10

Gospel Reading – The Greatest Commandment – Matthew 22:34-40

Sunday 22nd October – Twenty Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time 

First Reading – Cyrus, King of Persia, Chosen by God – Isaiah 1:4-6

Second Reading – Paula Greets the Church in Thessalonica – 1 Thessalonians 1:1-5

Gospel Reading – Giving God His Due – Matthew 22:15-21

Sunday 15th October – Twenty Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Reading – The Lord’s Banquet – Isaiah 25:6-10

Second Reading – Ready for Anything with the Help of God – Philippians 4:12-14;19-20

Gospel Reading – Av Invitation to the Wedding Feast – Matthew 22:1-10

Sunday 8th October – Twenty Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Reading – The Song of the Vineyard – Isaiah 5:1-7

Second Reading – Advice for the Community – Philippians 4:6-9

Gospel Reading – True Justice – Matthew 21:33-43

Sunday 1st October – Twenty Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Reading – The Justice of God – Ezekiel 18:25-28

Second Reading – God Emptied Himself in Christ – Philippians 2:1-5

Gospel Reading – Doing the Will of the Father – Matthew 21:28-32


Gospel Readings for September

Roger EleyReadings

The Gospel Reading for September are as follows

The readings and reflections on them can be found at www.wednesdayword.org

Sunday 24th September – Twenty Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Reading – Our God Rich in Forgiving – Isaiah 55:6-9

Second Reading – Life to Me in Christ – Philippians 1:20-24,27

Gospel Reading – The Generosity of God – Matthew 20:1-16

Sunday 17th September – Twenty Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Reading – Vengeance and Quarrelling – Ecclesiasticus 27:30; 28:7

Second Reading – Life as Christ’s Community – Romans 14:7-9

Gospel Reading – The Unforgiving Debtor – Matthew 18:21-35

Sunday 10th September – Twenty Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Reading – Repentance for Sin – Ezekiel 33:7-9

Second Reading – The Debut of Mutual Love – Romans 13:8-10

Gospel Reading – Reconciliation – Matthew 18:15-20

Sunday 3rd September – Twenty Second Sunday in Ordinary Time 

First Reading – Jeremiah Complains to God – Jeremiah 20:7-9

Second Reading – The People of God – Romans 12:1-2

Gospel Reading – The Cross of Jesus – Matthew 16:21-27

Gospel Readings for August

Roger EleyReadings

The Mass Readings for August are as follows

The readings and reflections on them can be found at www.wednesdayword.org

Sunday 27th August – The Twenty First Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Reading – The Master of the Palace – Isaiah 22:19-23

Second Reading – God’s Wisdom and Knowledge – Romans 11:33-36

Gospel Reading – Jesus claims Peter as a Rock – Matthew 16:13-20

Sunday 20th August – The Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Reading – God saves all Nations – Isaiah 56:1; 6-7

Second Reading – The Obedience of all Nations – Romans 11:13-15; 29-32

Gospel Reading – Jesus and the Canaanite Woman – Matthew 15:21-28

Sunday 13th August – The Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Reading – Elijah’s Encounter with the Lord – 1 Kings 19:9; 11-13

Second Reading – The Holy People of Israel – Romans 9:1-5

Gospel Reading – Jesus and Peter on the Water – Matthew 14:22-33

Sunday 6th August – The Transfiguration of the Lord

First Reading – One Like a Son of Man – Daniel 7:9-10; 13-14

Second Reading – Peter’s Witness to the Transfiguration – The Second Letter of St Peter 1:16-19

Gospel Reading – The Transfiguration – Matthew 17:1-9

Gospel Readings for July

Roger EleyReadings

The Mass Readings for July are as follows –

The readings and reflections on them can be found on www.wednesdayworld.org.uk

Sunday 30th July – Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Reading – Solomon’s Prayer for Wisdom – Kings 3; 5, 7-12

Second Reading – The True Image of the Son – Romans 8; 28-30

Gospel Reading – Treasures New and Old – Matthew 13; 44-52

Sunday 23rd July – Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 

First Reading – The Leniency of God – Wisdom 12; 13. 16-19

Second Reading – Prayer in the Spirit – Romans 8; 26-27

Gospel Reading – The Parable of Growth – Matthew 13; 24-30

Sunday 16th July – Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Reading – The Effective Word of God – Isaiah 55; 10-11

Second Reading – Creation Freed from Corruption – Romans 8: 18-23

Gospel Reading – The Parable of the Sower – Matthew 13; 1-9

Sunday 9th July – Fourteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time

First Reading – The King on the Donkey – Zechariah 9; 9-10

Second Reading – The Spirit is Alive in You – Romans 8; 9, 11-13

Gospel Reading – Father & Son – Matthew 11; 25-30

Sunday 2nd July – Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Reading – Elisha and the Woman of Shunem – 2 Kings 4: 8-11; 14-16

Second Reading – Baptism into Christ – Romans 6: 3-4; 8-11

Gospel Reading – Hardships of the Apostolate – Matthew 10: 37-42



Gospel Readings for June

Roger EleyReadings

The Mass Readings for June are as follows –

The readings and reflections on them can be found at www.wednesdayword.org

Sunday 25th June 

First Reading – Jeremiah 20; 10-13

Second Reading – Romans 5; 12-15

Gospel Reading – Matthew 10; 26-33

Sunday 18th June – The Body and Blood of Christ

First Reading – Manna from Heaven – Deuteronomy 8; 2-3, 14-16

Second Reading – The One Body of Christ – 1 Corinthians 10; 16-17

Gospel Reading – The True Blood of Christ – John 6; 51-58

Sunday 11th June – The Most Holy Trinity

First Reading – The Definition of God’s Name – Exodus 34; 4-6, 8-9

Second Reading – The Trinitarian Blessing – 2 Corinthians 13; 11-13

Gospel Reading – God so Loved the World – John 3; 16-18



Gospel Readings for May

Roger EleyReadings

The mass readings for May are as follows –

The readings and reflections on them can be found on www.wednesdayword.org

Sunday May 21st – The Sixth Sunday of Easter

First Reading: The Gospel Spreads to Samaria – Acts of the Apostles 8; 5-18, 14-17

Second Reading: Defence of the Faith – 1 Peter 3, 15-18

Gospel Reading: The Advocate whom the Father will send – John 14; 15-21

Sunday May 14th – The Fifth Sunday of Easter

First Reading: The Appointment of Deacons – Acts of the Apostles 6; 1-7

Second Reading: A Royal Priesthood – 1 Peter 2; 4-9

Gospel Reading: Jesus Warns of his Departure – John 14; 1-12

Sunday May 7th – The Fourth Sunday of Easter

First Reading: The First Conversions – Acts of the Apostles 2; 14,16-31

Second Reading: The Example of Christ – 1 Peter 2; 20-25

Gospel Reading: The Good Shepherd – John 10; 1-10

Gospel Readings for April

Roger EleyReadings

The Readings for April are as follows

The readings along with reflections on them can be found at www.wednesdayword.org

Sunday 30th April – Third Sunday of Easter

First Reading: The Meaning of Resurrection – Acts 2:14, 22-33

Second Reading: The Blood of the Lamb – 1 Peter 1:17-21

Gospel Reading: The Journey to Emmaus – Luke 24:13-35

Sunday 23rd April – Second Sunday of Easter

First Reading: A Community of Peace – Acts of the Apostles 2:42-47

Second Reading: A Sure Hope – 1 Peter 1:3-9

Gospel Reading: The Peace of the Risen Christ – John 20:19-31

Sunday 16th April – Easter Sunday

First Reading: Peter Instructs Cornelius – Acts 10:34, 37-43

Second Reading: New Life in Christ – Colossians 3: 1-4

Gospel Reading: The Empty Tomb – John 20:1-9

Sunday 9th April – Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion

First Reading: The Song of the Servant – Isiah 50:4-7

Second Reading: Raised High through Suffering – Philippians 2:6-11

Gospel Reading: Jesus Enters Jerusalem – Matthew 21:1-11

Sunday 2nd April – 5th Sunday in Lent

First Reading: The New Spirt – Ezekiel 37:12-14

Second Reading: The Gift of the Spirit – Romans 8:8-11

Gospel Reading: The Raising of Lazarus – John 11:1-45

Gospel Readings for March

Roger EleyReadings

The Readings for March are as follows

The Readings along with reflections on them can be found by following the link to www.wednesdayword.org

Sunday 26th March Fourth Sunday in Lent

First Reading : David Anointed King – Samuel 16:1,6-7,10-13

Second Reading : Rise from the Dead and Christ will Shine on You – Ephisians 5:8-14

Gospel Reading : The Cure of the Man Born Blind – John 9:1,6-9,13-17,34-38

Sunday 19th March Third Sunday in Lent

First Reading : Water from the Rock – Exodus 17:3-7

Second Reading : Peace with God through Jesus – Romans 5:1-2,5-8

Gospel Reading : The Samaritan at the Well – John 4:5-15,19-26,39-42

Sunday 12th March Second Sunday in Lent

First Reading : The Call of Adam – Genesis 12:1-4

Second Reading : The Response to God’s Love – 2 Timothy 1:8-10

Gospel Reading : The Transfigureation – Matthew 17:1-9

Sunday 5th March First Sunday in Lent

First Reading: The Garden of Eden – Genesis 2:7-9, 3:1-7

Second Reading : The Second Adam – Romans 5:12. 17-19

Gospel Reading : The Testing of Jesus – Matthew 4:1-11