Gospel Readings for June

Roger EleyReadings

The Gospel Readings and reflections on them can be found by following the link www.wednesdayword.org

June 28th – The Feast of St Peter and Paul

First Reading – Peter’s Narrow Escape – Acts 12:1-11

Second Reading – Paul in the Evening of his Life – 2 Timothy 4:6-8;17-18

Gospel Reading – Peter the Rock – Matthew 16:13-19

June 21st – The Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Reading – The Persecuted Prophet – Jeremiah 20:10-13

Second Reading – Christ, the second Adam – St Paul to the Romans 5:12-15

Gospel Reading – The Mission of the Apostles – Matthew 10:26-33

June 14th – The Body and Blood of Christ

First Reading – Manna from Heaven – Deuteronomy 8:2-3;14-16

Second Reading – The One Body of Christ – 1 Corinthians 10:16-17

Gospel Reading – The True Bread of Life – John :51-58

June 7th – The Most Holy Trinity

First Reading – The Definition of God’s Name – Exodus 34:6:8-9

Second Reading – A Trinitarian Blessing – 2 Corinthians 13:11-13

Gospel Reading – God so Loved the World – John 3:16-18

Gospel Readings for May

Roger EleyReadings

The Gospel Readings and reflections on them can be found by following the link www.wednesdayword.org

May 31st – Pentecost Sunday

First Reading – The Birth of the Church – Acts 2:1-11

Second Reading – The Body of Christ – 1 Corinthians 12:3-7;12-13

Gospel Reading – The Gift of Peace – John 20:19-23

May 24th – The Seventh Sunday in Easter

First Reading – Back to Jerusalem – Acts of the Apostles1:12-14

Second Reading – The Spirit of God Resting upon us – 1 Peter 4:13-16

Gospel Reading – The High Priestly Prayer of Jesus – John 17:1-11

May 17th – The Sixth Sunday in Easter

First Reading – The Gospel Spreads to Samaria – Acts of the Apostles 8:5-8;14-17

Second Reading – Defence of the Faith – 1 Peter 3:15-18

Gospel Reading – The Advocate whom the Father will send – John 14:15-21

May 10th – The Fifth Sunday in Easter

First Reading – The Appointment of Deacons – Acts of the Apostles 6:1-7

Second Reading – A Royal Priesthood – 1 Peter 2:4-9

Gospel Reading – Jesus warns of his Departure – John 14:1-12

May 3rd – The Fourth Sunday in Easter

First Reading – The First Conversions – Acts of the Apostles 2:14;36-41

Second Reading – The Example of Christ – 1 Peter 2:20-25

Gospel Reading – The Good Shepard – John 10:1-10

Gospel Reading for April

Roger EleyReadings

The Gospel Readings and reflections on them can be found by following the link www.wednesday.org

Sunday 26th April – Third Sunday of Easter

First Reading – The Meaning of Resurrection – Acts 2:14;22-33

Second Reading – The Blood of the Lamb – 1 Peter 1:17-21

Gospel Reading – The Journey to Emmaus – Luke 24:13-35

Sunday 19th April – Second Sunday of Easter

First Reading – A Community of Peace – Acts :42-47

Second Reading – A Sure Hope – 1 Peter 1:3-9

Gospel Reading – The Peace of the Risen Christ – John 20:19-31

Sunday 12th April – Easter Sunday

First Reading – Peter Instructs Cornelius – Acts 10:34;37-43

Second Reading – New Life in Christ – Colossians 3:1-4

Gospel Reading – The Empty Tomb – John 20:1-9

Sunday 5th April – Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion

First Reading – The Song of the Servant – Isaiah 50:4-7

Second Reading – Raised High through Suffering – Philippians 2:6-11

Gospel Reading – Jesus Enters Jerusalem – Matthew 21:1-11

Gospel Readings for March

Roger EleyReadings

The Gospel Readings and reflections on them can be found by following the link www.wednesdayword.org.uk

Sunday 29th March – Fifth Sunday in Lent

First Reading – The New Spirit – Ezekiel 37:12-14

Second Reading – The Gift of the Spirit – Romans 8:8-11

Gospel Reading – The Raising of Lazarus – John 11:1-45

Sunday 22nd March – Fourth Sunday in Lent

First Reading – David Anointed King – 1 Samuel 16:1;6-7;10-13

Second Reading – Rise from the Dead and Christ will Shine on You – Ephesians 5:8-14

Gospel Reading – The Cure of the Man born Blind – John 9:1;6-9;13-17;34-38

Sunday 15th March – Third Sunday in Lent

First Reading – Water from the Rock – Exodus 17:3-7

Second Reading – Peace with God through Jesus – Romans 5:1-2;5-8

Gospel Reading – The Samaritan at the Well – John 4:5-15;19-26;39-42

Sunday 8th March – Second Sunday in Lent

First Reading – The Call of Abraham – Genesis 12:1-4

Second Reading – The Response to God’s Love – 2 Timothy 1:8-10

Gospel Reading – The Transfiguration – Matthew 17:1-9

Sunday 1st March – First Sunday in Lent

First Reading – The Garden of Eden – Genesis 2:7-9;3:1-7

Second Reading – The Second Adam – Romans 5:12;17-19

Gospel Reading – The Testing of Jesus – Matthew 4:1-11

Gospel Readings for February

Roger EleyReadings

The Gospel Readings for February and reflections on them can be found by following the link www.wednesdayword.org

Sunday 23rd February – The Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Reading – Love of Neighbour – Leviticus 19:1-2;17-18

Second Reading – The Temple of God – 1 Corinthians 3:16-23

Gospel Reading – Jesus completes the Law – Matthew 5:38-48

Sunday 16th February – The Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Reading – Contrasts – Ecclesiasticus 15:15-20

Second Reading – The Hidden Wisdom of God – 1 Corinthians 2:6-10

Gospel Reading – Jesus Teaches the True Meaning of the Law – Matthew 5:20-22;27-28;33-34;37

Sunday 9th February – The Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Reading – Authentic Conversion – Isaiah 58:7-10

Second Reading – The Secret of Paul’s Success – 1 Corinthians 2:1-5

Gospel Reading – Salt and Light – Matthew 5:13-16

Sunday 2nd February – The Feast of the Presentation of the Lord

First Reading – The Coming of the Lord – Malachi 3:1-4

Second Reading – The Faithful High Priest – Hebrews 2:14-18

Gospel Reading – The Child Destined for the Rise and Fall of Many – Luke 2:22-40

Gospel Reading for January

Roger EleyReadings

The Gospel Reading for January and reflections on them can be found by following the link www.wednesdayword.org

Sunday 26th January – The Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Reading – The Light in the Land of Darkness – Isaiah 8:23-9:3

Second Reading – The Divided Community – 1 Corinthians 1:10-13;17

Gospel Reading – The Call of the First Disciples – Matthew 4:12-23

Sunday 19th January – The Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Reading – Israel the Servant of the Lord – Isaiah 49:3;5-6

Second Reading – The Beginning of the first Corinthians – 1 Corinthians 1:1-3

Gospel Reading – The Lamb of God – John 1:29-34

Sunday 12th January – The Lord’s Baptism

First Reading – The Servant of the Lord – Isaiah 42:1-4;6-7

Second Reading – Peter Prepares Cornelius – Acts of the Apostles 10;34-38

Gospel Reading – The Baptism of Jesus – Matthew 3:13-17

Sunday 5th January – The Epiphany

First Reading – The Glory of the Lord has Risen upon You – Isiah 60:1-6

Second Reading – The Climax of Creation – Ephesians 3:2-3;5-6

Gospel Reading – Wise Men from the East – Matthew 2:1-12

Gospel Readings for December

Roger EleyReadings

The Gospel readings for December and reflections on them can be found by following the link www.wednesdayword.org

December 29th – The Holy Family

First Reading – Honour your Father and Mother – Ecclesiasticus 3:2-6;12-14

Second Reading – The Overcoat of Love – Colossians 3:12-21

Gospel Reading – The Flight into Egypt – Matthew 2:13-15;19-23

December 22nd – Fourth Sunday in Advent

First Reading – The Virgin is with Child – Isaiah 7:10-14

Second Reading – The Son of God in Power – Romans 1:1-7

Gospel Reading – Emmanuel – Matthew 1:18-24

December 15th – Third Sunday in Advent

First Reading – The Eyes of the Blind shall been Opened – Isaiah 35:1-6;10

Second Reading – Waiting for the Lord – James 5:7-10

Gospel Reading – Miracles of the Messiah – Matthew 11:2-11

December 8th – Second Sunday in Advent

First Reading – A Shoot from the Stock of Jesse – Isaiah 11:1-10

Second Reading – The Generosity of Christ – Romans 15:4-9

Gospel Reading – John the Baptists Call to Repentance – Matthew 3:1-12

December 1st – First Sunday in Advent

First Reading – The Vision of Peace – Isaiah 2:1-5

Second Reading – The Time is Near – Romans 13:11-14

Gospel Reading – Like a Thief in the Night – Matthew 24:37-44


Gospel Readings for November

Roger EleyReadings

The Gospel Readings for November and reflections on them can be found by following the link www.wednesdayword.org.uk

November 24th – Christ the King

First Reading – David Anointed King – 2 Samuel 5:1-3

Second Reading – The Kingdom of Forgiveness – Colossians 1:12-20

Gospel Reading – The King of Forgiveness – Luke 23:35-43

November 17th – Thirty Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Reading – Burning like an Oven – 2 Malachi 3:19-21

Second Reading – Keep Busy – 2 Thessalonians 3:7-12

Gospel Reading – Perseverance – Luke 21:5-19

November 10th – Thirty Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Reading – Rising to New Life – 2 Maccabees 7:1-2;9-14

Second Reading – The Lord is Faithful – 2 Thessalonians 2:16-3:5

Gospel Reading – The Sadduccees’ Riddle – Luke 20:27-38

November 3rd – Thirty First Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Reading – God’s Love for All – Wisdom 11:22;12:2

Second Reading – The Final Coming of the Lord – 2 Thessalonians 1:11;2:2

Gospel Reading – Zacchaeus – Luke 19:1-10

Gospel Reading for October

Roger EleyReadings

The Gospel Readings and reflections on them can be found by following the link www.wednesdayword.org

Sunday 27th October – 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Reading – The Prayer of the Humble – Ecclesiasticus (Sirach) 35:12-14;16-19

Second Reading – Paul’s Farewell – 2 Timothy 4:6-8;16-18

Gospel Reading – The Pharisee and the Tax Collector – Luke 18:9-14

Sunday 20th October – 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Reading – Perseverance in Prayer – Exodus 17:8-13

Second Reading – The Uses of Scripture – 2 Timothy 3:14-4:2

Gospel Reading – The Answer to Prayer – Luke 18:1-8

Sunday 13th October – 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Reading – Naaman the Syrian – 2 Kings 5:14-17

Second Reading – The Grounds for Hope – 2 Timothy 2:8-13

Gospel Reading – The Samaritan Leper – Luke 17:11-19

Sunday 6th October – 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Reading – Keep Going – Habakkuk 1:2-3;2:2-4

Second Reading – Sound Teaching – 2 Timothy 1:6-8;13-14

Gospel Reading – The Reward of Faith – Luke 17:5-10

Gospel Readings for September

Roger EleyReadings

The Gospel Readings for September and reflections on them can be found by following the link www.wednesday.org.uk

Sunday 29th September – Twenty Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Reading – Couch-Potatoes – Amos 6:1;4-7

Second Reading – Sevenfold Praise – 1 Timothy 6:11-16

Gospel Reading – The Rich Man and Lazarus – Luke 16:19-31

Sunday 22nd September – Twenty Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Reading – Racketeering -Amos 8:4-7

Second Reading – Universal Salvation – 1 Timothy 2:1-8

Gospel Reading – The Dishonest Steward – Luke 16:1-13

Sunday 15th September – Twenty Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Reading – Israel Rebels in the Desert – Exodus 32:7-11;13-14

Second Reading – Paul the Sinner – 1 Timothy 1:12-17

Gospel Reading – Forgiveness – Luke 15:1-32

Sunday 8th September – Twenty Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Reading – In Praise of Divine Wisdom – Wisdom 9:13-18

Second Reading – Paul & Philemon – Philemon 9-10;12-17

Gospel Reading – The Cost of Discipleship – Luke 14:25-33

Sunday 1st September – Twenty Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Reading – Humility – Ecclesiasticus 3:17-20;28-19

Second Reading – The City of the Living God – Hebrews 12:18-19;22-24

Gospel Reading – Invitations – Luke 14 1;7-14