Gospel Readings for October

Roger EleyReadings

The Gospel Readings and reflections on them can be found via the link www.wednesdayword.org

Sunday 29th October Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Reading – Commandments about the Vulnerable and the Poor – Exodus 22:20-26

Second Reading – Servants of the Living God – 1 Thessalonians 1:5-10

Gospel Reading – The Greatest Commandment – Matthew 22:34-40

Sunday 22nd October Twenty Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Reading – Cyrus King of Persia, Chosen by God – Isaiah 45:1;4-6

Second Reading – Paul Greets the Church in Thessalonica – 1 Thessalonians 1:1-5

Gospel Reading – Giving God His Due – Matthew 22:15-21

Sunday 15th October Twenty Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Reading – The Lords Banquet – Isaiah 25:6-10

Second Reading – Ready for Anything – With the Help of God – Philippians 2:12-14;19-20

Gospel Reading – An Invitation to the Wedding Feast – Matthew 22:1-10

Sunday 8th October Twenty Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Reading – The Song in the Vineyard – Isaiah 5:1-7

Second Reading – Advice for the Community – Philippians 4:6-9

Gospel Reading – True Justice – Matthew 21:33-43

Sunday 1st October Twenty Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Reading – The Justice of God – Ezekiel 18:25-28

Second Reading – God Emptied Himself in Christ – Philippians 2:1-11

Gospel Reading – Doing the Will of the Father – Matthew 21:28-32

Gospel Readings for September

Roger EleyReadings

The weekly Gospel Readings and reflections on them can be found by following the link www.wednesdayword.org

Sunday 24th September – Twenty Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Reading – Our God – Rich in Forgiving – Isaiah 55:6-9

Second Reading – Life to me is Christ – Philippians – 1:20;24-27

Gospel Reading – The Generosity of God – Matthew 20:1-16

Sunday 17th September – Twenty Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Reading – Vengeance and Quarrelling – Ecclesiasticus 27:30-28:7

Second Reading – Life as Christ’s Community – Romans 14:7-9

Gospel Reading – The Unforgiving Debtor – Matthew 18:21-35

Sunday 10th September – Twenty Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Reading – Repentance for Sin – Ezekiel 22:7-9

Second Reading – The Debt of Mutual Love – Romans 134:8-10

Gospel Reading – Reconciliation – Matthew 18:15-20

Sunday 3rd September – Twenty Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Reading – Jeremiah Complains to God – Jeremiah 20:7-9

Second Reading – The People of God – Romans 12:2-7

Gospel Reading – The Cross of Jesus – Matthew 16:21-27

Gospel Readings for August 2023

Roger EleyReadings

The Gospel Readings and reflections on them can be found at www.wednesdayword.org

Sunday 28th August – Twenty First Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Reading – The Master of the Palace – Isaiah 22:19-23

Second Reading – God’s Wisdom and Knowledge – Romans 11:33-36

Gospel Reading – Jesus Claims Peter as Rock – Matthew 16:13-20

Sunday 21st August – Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Reading – God Saves All Nations – Isaiah 56:1;6-7

Second Reading – The Obedience of All Nations – Romans 11:13-15;29-32

Gospel Reading – Jesus and the Canaanite Woman – Matthew 15:21-28

Sunday 14th August – Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Reading – Elijah’s Encounter with the Lord – 1 Kings 19:9;11-13

Second Reading – The Holy People of Israel – Romans 9:1-5

Gospel Reading – Jesus and Peter on the Water – Matthew 14:22-33

Sunday 7th August – The Transfiguration of the Lord

First Reading – One Like a Son of Man – Daniel 7:9-10;13-14

Second Reading – Peters Witness to the Transfiguration – Second Letter of St Peter 1:16-19

Gospel Reading – The Transfiguration – Matthew 17:1-9

Gospel Reading for July 2023

Roger EleyReadings

The Gospel Readings for July and reflections on them can be accessed by following the link www.wednesdayword.org

Sunday 30th July – Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Reading – Solomon’s Prayer for Wisdom – Kings 3:5;7-12

Second Reading – The True Image of the Son – Romans 8:28-30

Gospel Reading – Treasures New & Old – Matthew 13:44-52

Sunday 23rd July – Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Reading – The Leniency of God – Wisdom 12:13;16-19

Second Reading – Prayer in the Spirit – Romans 8:26-27

Gospel Reading – A Parable of Growth – Matthew 13:24-30

Sunday 16th July – Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Reading – The Effective Word of God – Isaiah 55:10-11

Second Reading – Creation Freed from Corruption – Romans 8:18-23

Gospel Reading – The Parable of the Sower – Matthew 13:1-9

Sunday 9th July – Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Reading – The King on a Donkey – Zechariah 9:9-10

Second Reading – The Spirit is Alive in You – Romans 8:9;11-13

Gospel Reading – Father and Son -Matthew 11:25-30

Sunday 2nd July – Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Reading – Elisha and the Woman of Shumen – 2 Kings 4:8-11;14-16

Second Reading – Baptism into Christ – Romans 6:4;8-11

Gospel Reading – Hardships of the Apostolate – Matthew 10:37-42

Gospel Reading for June

Roger EleyReadings

The Gospel Readings and reflections on them can accessed by following the link www.wednesdayword.org

Sunday 25th June – The Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Reading – The Persecuted Prophet – Jeremiah 20:10-13

Second Reading – Christ, The Second Adam – St Paul to the Romans 5:12-15

Gospel Reading – The Mission of the Apostles – Matthew 10:26-33

Sunday 18th June – The Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Reading – God Chooses Israel to be his own Possession – Exodus 19:2-6

Second Reading – Reconciled to God – St Paul to the Romans – 5:6-11

Gospel Reading – The New Israel – Matthew 9:36-10:8

Sunday 11th June – The Body and Blood of Christ

First Reading – Manna from Heaven – Deuteronomy 8:2-3;14-16

Second Reading – The One Body of Christ – 1 Corinthians 10:16-17

Gospel Reading – The True Blood of Christ – John 6:51-58

Sunday 4th June – Feast of the Most Holy Trinity

First Reading – The Definition of God’s Name – Exodus 34:4-6;8-9

Second Reading – A Trinitarian Blessing – 2 Corinthians 13:11-13

Gospel Reading – God so Loved the World – John 3:16-18

Gospel Readings for May

Roger EleyReadings

The Gospel Readings and reflections on them can be found by following the link www.wednesdayword.org

Sunday 28th May – Pentecost Sunday

First Reading – The Birth of the Church – Acts of the Apostles 2:1-11

Second Reading – The Body of Christ – 1 Corinthians 12:3-7;12-13

Gospel Reading – The Gift of Peace – John 20:19-23

Sunday 21st May – Seventh Sunday in Easter

First Reading – Back to Jerusalem – Acts of the Apostles – 1:12-14

Second Reading – The Spirit of God Resting on us – 1 Peter 4:13-16

Gospel Reading – The High Priestly Prayer of Jesus – John 17:1-11

Sunday 14th May – Sixth Sunday in Easter

First Reading – The Gospel Spreads to Samaria – Acts of the Apostles 8:5-8;14-17

Second Reading – Defence of the Faith – 1 Peter 3:15-18

Gospel Reading – The Advocate whom the Father will send – John 14:15-21

Sunday 7th May – Fifth Sunday in Easter

First Reading – The Appointment of Deacons – Acts of the Apostles 6:1-7

Second Reading – A Royal Priesthood – 1 Peter 2:4-9

Gospel Reading – Jesus Warns of his Departure – John 14:1-12

Gospel Readings for April

Roger EleyReadings

This month’s Gospel Readings and reflections on them can be found by following the link www.wednesdayword.org

Sunday 30th April – Fourth Sunday in Easter

First Reading – The First Conversions – Acts 2:14;36-41

Second Reading – The Example of Christ – 1 Peter 2:20-25

Gospel Reading – The Good Shepherd – John 10:1-10

Sunday 23rd April – Third Sunday in Easter

First Reading – The Meaning of Resurrection  – Acts 2:14;22-23

Second Reading – The Blood of the Lamb – 1 Peter 1:17-21

Gospel Reading – The Journey to Emmaus – Luke 24:13-35

Sunday 2nd April – Palm Sunday

First Reading – The Song of the Servant – Isaiah 50:4-7

Second Reading – Raised High through Suffering – Philippians 2:6-11

Gospel Reading – Jesus Enters Jerusalem – Matthew 21:1-11


Gospel Readings for March

Roger EleyReadings

The Gospel Readings for March and reflections on them can be found by following the link http://www.wednesdayword.org

Sunday 26th March – Fifth Sunday in Lent

First Reading – The New Spirit – Ezekiel 37:12-14

Second Reading – The Gift of the Spirit – Romans 8:8-11

Gospel Reading – The Raising of Lazarus – John 11:1-45

Sunday 19th March – Fourth Sunday in Lent

First Reading – David Anointed King – 1 Samuel 16:1,6-7,10-13

Second Reading – Rise from the Dead and Christ will Shine on You – Ephesians 5:8-14

Gospel Reading – The Cure of the Man Born Blind – John 9:1,6-9,13-17,34-38

Sunday 12th March – Third Sunday in Lent

First Reading – Water from the Rock – Exodus 17:3-7

Second Reading – Peace with God through Jesus – Romans 5:2;5-8

Gospel Reading – The Samaritan at the Well – John 4:5-15;19-26;39-42

Sunday 5th March – Second Sunday in Lent

First Reading – The Call of Abraham – Genesis 12:1-4

Second Reading – The Response of God’s Love – 2 Timothy 1:8-10

Gospel Reading – The Transfiguration – Matthew 17:1-9

Gospel Readings for February

Roger EleyReadings

The Gospel Readings and reflections on them can be found by following the link www.wednesdayword.org

Sunday 26th February – First Sunday in Lent

First Reading – The Garden of Eden – Genesis 2:7-9;3-1-7

Second Reading – The Second Adam – Romans 5:12;17-19

Gospel Reading – The Testing 0f Jesus – Matthew 4:1-11

Sunday 19th February – Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Reading – Love of Neighbour – Leviticus 19:1-2;17-18

Second Reading – The Temple of God – 1 Corinthians 3:16-23

Gospel Reading – Jesus Completes the Law – Matthew 5:38-48

Sunday 12th February – Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Reading – Contrasts – Ecclesiasticus – 15:15-20

Second Reading – The Hidden Wisdom of God – 1 Corinthians 2:6-10

Gospel Reading – Jesus Teaches the True Meaning of the Law – Matthew 5:20-22;27-28;33-34;37

Sunday 5th February – Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Reading – Authentic Conversion – Isaiah 58:7-10

Second Reading – The Secret of Paul’s Success – 1 Corinthians 2:1-5

Gospel Reading – Salt & Light – Matthew 5:13-16

Gospel Readings for January 2023

Roger EleyReadings

The Gospel Readings and reflection on them can be found by following the link  wednesdayword.org

Sunday 29th January – Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Tine

First Reading – Blessed by the Lord – Zephaniah 2:3;3:12-13

Second Reading – Reversal of Values – 1 Corinthians 1:26-31

Gospel Reading – The Beatitudes – Matthew 5:1-12

Sunday 22nd January – Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Reading – Light in the Land of Darkness – Isaiah 8:23-9:3

Second Reading – A Divided Community – 1 Corinthians 1:10-13;17

Gospel Reading – The Call of the First Disciples – Matthew 4:12-23

Sunday 8th January – The Lord’s Baptism

First Reading – The Servant of the Lord – Isaiah 42:1-4;6-7

Second Reading – Peter Prepares Cornelius – Acts of the Apostles 10:34-38

Gospel Reading – The Baptism of Jesus – Matthew 3:13-17

Sunday 1st January – Feast of Mary Mother of God

First Reading – The Blessing of God – Numbers 6:22-27

Second Reading – Mother Of God – Galatians 4:4-7

Gospel Reading – The Child in the Cattle Trough – Luke 2:16-21