Statement from Cardinal Nichols on the Death of Queen Elizabeth

Roger EleyNews

Below is a Statement from Cardinal Nichols the President of the Bishops Conference of England and Wales and some Prayers which you may wish to use –

On 21 April 1947, on her twenty-first birthday, Princess Elizabeth said, ‘I declare before you all that my whole life whether it be long or short shall be devoted to your service.’
Now, seventy-five years later, we are heartbroken in our loss at her death, and so full of admiration for the unfailing way in which she fulfilled that declaration.
Even in my sorrow, shared with so many around the world, I am filled with an immense sense of gratitude for the gift to the world that has been the life of Queen Elizabeth II.
At this time, we pray for the repose of the soul of Her Majesty. We do so with confidence, because the Christian faith marked every day of her life and activity.
In her Millennium Christmas message, she said, ‘To many of us, our beliefs are of fundamental importance. For me the teachings of Christ and my own personal accountability before God provide a framework in which I try to lead my life. I, like so many of you, have drawn great comfort in difficult times from Christ’s words and example.’
This faith, so often and so eloquently proclaimed in her public messages, has been an inspiration to me, and I am sure to many. The wisdom, stability and service which she consistently embodied, often in circumstances of extreme difficulty, are a shining legacy and testament to her faith.
Our prayer is that she is now received into the merciful presence of God, there to be reunited with her beloved Prince Philip. This is the promise of our faith, and our deep consolation.
Queen Elizabeth II will remain, always, a shining light in our history. May she now rest in peace.
We pray for His Majesty the King, as he assumes his new office even as he mourns his mother.
God save the King.

Prayers for the Repose of the Soul of Her Majesty the Queen can be found by following the link HM The Queen – Prayers

Returning to Mass

Roger EleyNews

On Friday 6th May the Bishops of England and Wales issued a statement on Returning to Mass after the pandemic.

The full text can be read by following the link here

Guidance for Lent and Easter 2022

Roger EleyNews

Following the relaxation of the Covid 19 restrictions the Bishops of England and Wales have issued a Guidance notice for Churches over Lent, Easter and beyond.

The full document can be downloaded by clicking here. but the main points are summarised below.

• Hand sanitiser should be available for all to use at places of entry and exit to our churches.
• The necessity for social distancing is removed so churches should operate up to their normal
capacity figures.
• Those who wish to wear a face covering may do so during the celebration of Mass.
• The use of hymn books and other worship aids are permitted as part of the liturgy. Servers
and their various ministries (acolyte, book-bearer, incense) are to be encouraged to return.
• The vessels containing the altar breads for consecration at Mass should remain covered until
the moment of distribution of Holy Communion to the faithful.
• Holy Communion is to be distributed to the faithful under one kind only (i.e. the Sacred
Host). At concelebrations involving a number of priests, communion for them should be by
intinction of the Sacred Host in the Precious Blood.
• Those who distribute Holy Communion should wear a face covering and sanitise their hands
before doing so.
• Singing can occur and there is a general encouragement to wear face coverings while singing.
However, it is recognised that not everyone will feel able to do this.
• Contact tracing ended on 24th February and so there is no need for track and trace QR codes
or other means (e.g. Mass booking systems) in our churches from now on.

Christmas Mass Times

Roger EleyNews

Father Paul has advised of the mass times over the Christmas period.

Christmas Eve – St Augustine’s 5pm St Oswald’s 7pm

Christmas Day – St Anne’s 10.30am

Sunday 26th Dec – Feast of the Holy Family – St Augustine’s 9.15am St Oswald’s 11.15am (no mass at St Anne’s)


Honouring Sunday

Roger EleyNews

As life returns to “normal” following the pandemic and parish life returns to its pre-pandemic patterns. The  Bishops of England & Wales held a Plenary Assembly at Leeds on 18th November and have issued a Statement about the importance of honouring Sunday.

The statement can be downloaded by following the link here

Fr Paul’s Holidays

Roger EleyNews

Father Paul will be taking a few days off this week so there will be NO midweek masses at St Anne’s or St Augustine’s.

Next Weekend’s Masses at St Anne’s and St Augustine’s WILL be at the usual times.

St Oswalds Wrekenton

Roger EleyNews

In September Fr Cummings the Parish Priest at St Oswald’s Wrekenton will be retiring with Fr Zielinski taking over the duties at the parish.

Mass times at St Augustine’s and St Oswald’s  will change to allow Fr Paul to cover masses at all three Churches.

Revised times will be as follows

Saturday 5.30 – St Anne’s Vigil Mass

Sunday 9.15 – St Augustine’s Mass

Sunday 11.00 – St Oswald’s Mass

To enable parishioners to get used to the new time at St Augustine’s the 9.15 mass will start from the beginning of July

Reflections for Corpus Christi

Roger EleyNews

Reflection for Corpus Christi


“This is what I received from the Lord, and in turn passed on to you.” (Cor 11:23).  These words from St Paul’s account of the last supper give us two significant phrases which illuminate our baptismal vocation; ‘Receive’ and ‘passed on.’  Here St Paul is specifically speaking of the Eucharist, but this is true also of our faith.  The gift of faith, received in baptism, is the faith of the Church which we receive individually, but is something which we are called to pass on to others.  What we celebrate in the sacramental life of the Church we are commissioned by our baptism to pass on to others by the witness to our living faith.


What is it that we receive and in turn pass on?  The Book of Proverbs gives us an insight in the reading for the our Holy Hour.  Wisdom offers a generous hospitality to those who respond to the call of the maid servants to come.  Her house is a symbol of the Church, built on the seven sacraments and those who come need not be the “learned and the wise” (Matt 11:25) but the “ignorant,” the ones with open hearts to receive in love what is offered; not just bread and wine, but that which brings insight, the meeting with the Lord.  When we gather as a Church, we are offered these precious gifts which lead to deeper understanding of our faith and our lives.


Therefore, when we share in the Eucharist, we receive nourishment for the journey which helps us to perceive, or put another way, to discern more clearly the pathways of the Lord.  We become like the disciples on the road to Emmaus, who not really understanding what had just happened at the events of the first Easter are drawn into the Lord’s presence through listening to the Word of God and sharing in the Breaking of Bread.  Hopefully, when we are at Mass, we can enter ourselves into their experience and be able to say that our hearts too are burning because we have realised all that the Lord has done for us, and like them, be spurred into action to tell of this to others (Luke 24:33)  We, then, pass on to others what we ourselves have received from the Lord’s generosity, like the two from Emmaus.


When the Catholic community gathers to celebrate the Sunday Mass it does this so as to ‘relive with particular intensity the experience of the Apostles on the evening of Easter when the Risen Lord appeared to them as they were gathered together.  This close connection between the appearance of the Risen Lord and the Eucharist is suggested in the Gospel of Luke in the story of the two disciples of Emmaus, whom Christ approached and led to understand the Scriptures and then sat with them at table.  The gestures of Jesus in this account are his gestures at the Last Supper with the clear allusions to the “Breaking of Bread”, as the Eucharist was called by the first generations of Christians.’ (Dies Domini 33).


This gathering of the community Sunday by Sunday, according to Pope St John Paul II is so that in each place where the Eucharist is celebrated, the Church is truly present and, in this way, Sunday becomes the day of the Church where the People of God are nourished by the Lord in his Word and in his Eucharist. Through the gathering of the people, their experience of being fed in Word and Sacrament, they in their turn, become disciples and witnessed to him. Sunday is the day where each parish community is united in this great sacrament of love and draw deeply from this fountain of the Lord’s goodness. The weekly gathering for Mass, its celebration and the sending forth of all present, becomes the very heartbeat of the Church.  “Renewed and nourished by this intense weekly rhythm Christian hope becomes leaven and the light of human hope.” (Dies Domini 38)


Pope St John Paul expresses how we are to be the light of hope and leaven for the world when he says that; “With the offering of the Sunday Eucharist, the Church crowns the witness which her children strive to offer every day of the week by proclaiming the Gospel and practising charity in the world of world of work and in all the many tasks of life; thus she shows forth more plainly her identity ‘as a sacrament, or sign and instrument of intimate union with God and of the unity of the entire human race’” (Dies Domini 38).  When we see it in this way, we know how dependent we are on this spiritual food for the work of Christian witness, bringing the message of hope and mercy to the world.


This sense of hope is extended when we come before the Lord for a prolonged moment of adoration.  Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament gives us the opportunity to come into the Lord’s Eucharistic presence and quietly speak to him, to listen to what he says to us in silent contemplation, to be enfolded in his abundant love and to offer him the joys and sorrows of our daily life.  Jesus speaks to our hearts, and we become conformed to him united in prayer to his passion, cross and resurrection.


How can we not fail to be in awe of the one before whom we kneel?  How can we not be humbled by his generous love and mercy for us?  Can anything stop us from bringing his love to others?  “To contemplate Christ involves being able to recognise him wherever he manifests himself, in the many forms of presence, but above all in the living sacrament of his body and blood.  The Church draws her life from Christ in the Eucharist; by him she is fed and by him she is enlightened.  The Eucharist is both a mystery of faith and a mystery of light.  Wherever the Church celebrates the Eucharist, the faithful can in some way relive the experience of the two disciples on the road to Emmaus: their eyes were opened, and they recognised him.” (Ecclesia de Eucharistia 6).


Present to the Lord in the Blessed Sacrament, we can pray that our eyes will be opened to know truly all that the Lord has done for us and pray for the courage to pass on to others the goodness that we have received.


Come, then, good Shepherd, bread divine,

Still show to us thy mercy sign;

Oh, feed us, still keep us thine;

So we may see thy glories shine in fields of immortality.

O thou, the wisest, mightiest, best,

Our present food, our future rest,

Come, make us each they chosen guest, Co-heirs of thine, and comrades blest

With saints whose dwelling is with thee.

(The prayer of St Thomas Aquinas, used by Pope St. John Paul II to conclude Ecclesia  de Eucharistia.)